Friday 10 July 2015

Is touch control back in Windows 10?

    With the release of Windows 8 and Window 8.1 we were introduced to touch control. However it didn't turn out to successful as Windows 7 or XP did. Recently Microsoft announced a Windows 10 edition which could prove to be better or worse than the other operating systems. The corporation added the start and the tool bar back with many of the features from Windows 7, Vista and XP. The colour and the shapes of the desktop icon and the toolbars in my opinion puts me off a bit though as I'm used to the bright colours and the smooth edges of Windows 7.
Windows 10 at the desktop and the start toolbar

    In other words really they have combined two operating systems, Windows 7 and Windows 8 into one. The touch control is not introduced in this edition so mouse lovers may rejoice. On the other hand the touch tablet and anything touch-related will have a massive setback. 


The cost will depend whether you have Windows 7 or Window 8.1 already as you could download it for a free period of on year afterwards if want to continue with the operating system you must pay $129 American.


Microsoft announced that it will be released later this year around the 29th of July.

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