Tuesday 14 July 2015

Bulletproof Battery of a MacBook - Top 5 Fun Facts about Apple

   This is a short list of the 5 top interesting and fun facts about Apple; the multi-trillion dollar company that made the iPhone and revolutionized the entire phone market in the 21st century. These facts are very interesting indeed...

1.The battery of an Apple MacBook could save you from a gunshot wound; it's bulletproof!

Image result for apple macbook

2.Apple is worth more than the entire Russian Stock market!

Image result for russian stock market

3.In the first quarter of 2014 Apple earned more than Google, Facebook and Amazon combined!

Image result for money in us notes stacked

4.If you use iTunes you have agreed not to use Apple's products to create nuclear weapons!

Image result for nuclear explosion

5.If you would have brought an iPhone in 1991, part by part it would have costed you US$3.65 million!

Image result for iphone side

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